Lyrics for Shoulda Known Betta

Here’s the lyrics to ‘Greta’ as I mentioned before…

Woke up this morning on the mat there was a letter
Addressed to me and from a girl called Greta
She says how on earth could I ever forget her
The letter from Greta says how could I forget her

She says that we met at a VIP party
Up to malarkey amongst the glitterarti
I broke her fall as she showed off her karate
Up to malarkey at the karate party

It’s been 3 years since we were married in Vegas
It was a gamble but it couldn’t save us
We mortgaged our love but couldn’t make the repayments
Vegas couldn’t save us from the marriage repayments

There’s a knock at the door and Greta says I’ve come to see her
I saw you on TV claiming amnesia
You had no ID and no idea
To see you my dear and cure your amnesia

Na na na nah nah
Na na na nah nah
Na na na nah nah
Shoulda known betta than forget about Greta

How could I forget myself
When did I become someone else
Bit my bit I’m sliding into hell
It’s so long it’s like a dream
I’m sinking into reverie
I’m losing sight
I cannot breathe
Can anybody please save me

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